Dear Booth Hill Families,
As we continue to enhance and emphasize our positive school culture, we thought it would be helpful to review and add a few new pieces to our positive behavior intervention system (PBIS) or what we’ve come to know as: R.O.A.R.S.!
For new families joining our school and even for returning families, I listed some questions and answers below and how our system will be modified this year.
What is PBIS?
PBIS is a framework to address school wide, classroom and individual student social, emotional and behavioral concerns. It is not a specific curriculum or intervention.
It includes all students and all school staff members.
PBIS involves adult modeling and explicit teaching of behavioral skills—same way we teach academic skills.
PBIS focuses on recognizing the positive behaviors among children and the school community and promoting these behaviors.
What behaviors will be taught and how will students learn these behavioral expectations?
We have a fun and easy to remember acronym to with each letter representing behavioral expectations that we teach and reinforce. Our acronym is ROARS: RESPECT, OWNERSHIP, ATTITUDE, RESPONSIBILITY, SAFETY
Students will be taught specific behavioral expectations through direct instruction on the above characteristics throughout the year. In addition to this, each grade level has a series of books that relate to each characteristic.
How will students be recognized when demonstrating ROARS behavior?
Each classroom has a recognition system that they implement with students on a weekly basis.
How will school-wide recognition occur for students?
Students will be recognized weekly over our intercom system and may choose a prize from our prize cart.
How can I support PBIS at home or in school?
Discuss and review the matrix.
Discuss how the children and the adults demonstrate these traits by what they do and say every day!
Thank you so much for supporting our work with your children!
Dana Pierce